DarwinFPV Care Card
This card is only valid when ordering the drone and the Care Card at the same time, separate purchase this card will not work.
With DarwinFPV Care Card you just need to pay a little and you will get more. Order a card and you can save 25% with the analog fpv drones.
With this card you can have 2 times to get 25% discount code on the analog drones. No matter what problems of your drone (wrong solder, drone blow up, drone lost, out of contact or whatever) and you only need to pay 75% of the cost to have a new one, which can be used twice within 1 year.
- The owners can enioy 25% discount code on new same DarwinFPV analog drone with the card number and the order number.
- This card is for your own use only and cannot be lent to others.
- This card cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions.
- This card can only be used twice a year and cannot be used in combination.
- Please use it within a limited period, the card will be automatically invaild after the expiration date.
- Validity period: within one year of finishing the payment.