FPV flight guide

The FPV drone is a drone that flies through a first-person perspective (FPV), featuring an immersive experience and a high degree of interactivity. This guide aims to provide a complete flight guid...

DarwinFPV "Cement" Ultra Durable F7-100A Waterproof Stack

Darwin FPV's "cement" ultra-durable F7-100A waterproof stack series was born with the original intention of seeking to break through the environmental limits of FPV drones. We are committed to mak...

DarwinFPV CineApe 25

Do you want to have a FPV drone that can shoot cinematic footage? Do you want to experience the fun of flying while enjoying high-definition visual effects? If so, then you can’t miss the CineApe ...

DarwinFPV HULK Waterproof FPV Drone

Firmware FC Firmware ESC Firmware Drone CLI  Analog Version 4S Analong Version 6S HD(DJI o3) ELRS Version 4S HD(DJI o3) ELRS Version 6S HD(DJI o3) TBS Crossfire Version 4S HD(DJI o3) TBS Crossfire ...

Darwin Baby Ape Pro V2 FPV Drone

FC Firmware ESC Firmware Drone CLI  VTX Table STL files 

Darwin BabyApe Ⅱ

FC Firmware FC Firmware ESC Firmware Drone CLI  BabyApe Ⅱ Analog 4S Version4.3.2 BabyApe Ⅱ HD 4S Version4.3.2 BabyApe Ⅱ Analog 6S Version4.3.2 BabyApe Ⅱ HD 6S Version 4.3.2 VTX Table VTX Table ...


FC Firmware ESC Firmware Drone CLI  VTX Table Darwin CineApe 25 manual CineApe 25 SD card repair file CineApe 25 Antenna.STL CineApe 25 camera base.STL
FPV drone

突破性升级! DarwinFPV铝合金防水壳,让您的拍摄之旅无忧。

大疆O3天空端是一款优秀的FPV VTX系统,深受FPV无人机爱好者的青睐。但它确实有一定的局限性,比如不适合阴雨天气、水上飞行、重负载下产生高热量等。当热量达到一定程度时,Dji O3天空端会自动关闭。 为了解决这些限制, Darwin 提供了一种轻质而坚固的铝合金防水外壳。我们的 DarwinFPV 铝合金防水壳...
DarwinFPV 69 - The Baby Ape (Pro)

DarwinFPV 69 - 小猿(专业版)

2021 年 10 月 26 日  • 克里斯 这 达尔文 69 - 也称为“小猿” - 是 DarwinFPV 的下一个超便宜版本 - 顾名思义,它 只需 69 美元。对于一个基本完整的 3 英寸微型四轴飞行器来说,这只是很少的钱。但在这个价位上,是否值得入手呢?通常这种超低价四核车只有一个优点:价格。 我有一些 DarwinFPV 产品,我对它们能以如此低的价格组合在...